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New Milers Club Members

I am very proud of each period today for doing their best on the mile-run, push-ups, and curl-ups. You need to practice at home in front of a mirror to make sure you have good technique. All of you will improve... Read More...
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Yoga Time

Well done yoga students. I think you all felt the yoga benefits of improving your balance, flexibility, and building muscular strength and endurance. Have a great weekend. Flag Football continues on Monday! ... Read More...
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Primal Pattern Thursday

Well done today students. You might be sore tomorrow so be aware. Make sure to eat a good dinner tonight to help repair your body after working-out. When you work-out alot you need to EAT ALOT! Tomorrow we are ... Read More...
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Primal Pattern Movement Videos

Good afternoon students! Nice seeing you all today. Click on the link below to watch the primal pattern movement videos. We will practice each movement in class next Thursday. DO NOT FREAK OUT if you are not go... Read More...
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Fiji Pro at Cloudbreak

Good afternoon students. As you may I know I love to surf. Right this minute I am watching a surf contest in Fiji live. Surfing makes me feel alive and I love the workout it gives me every time I paddle out. I ... Read More...
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Olympics – Caldwell vs. Morris

Good morning students. Below is the schedule for the next 2 weeks. We will take on Mrs. Morris class each day and I expect VICTORY! I mean, let's make sure we have fun and are good sports at all times. Do what ... Read More...
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2015 Irvine Junior Games Highlights

Yesterday was awesome! Congrats to all students who participated in the 2015 Irvine Junior Games. Thank you to Mrs. Morris, Mr. Doan, and Mr. Berman for coming by to support our students. The medal winners are ... Read More...
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Outdoor Bar Workout

Good morning guys. Below is an amazing video from Rob Turner that I want you all to see. You do not have to be a member of a gym or pay money to exercise. You can go to your local park and work-out/work-in for ... Read More...