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2011 Lunchtime Pickleball Champions

update-I just found out that it was my team in the finals today. Props to my boys for making it to the finals without me. Kunal A, Timmothy J, Matthew J, Ethan L, Josh B 2 Charger cards each when I get back. ... Read More...
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Back To Work

Well our 4 day weekend is coming to an end people. So we should all be refreshed for the coming week. On Monday and Tuesday we will finish up pickleball with a little forehand/backhand volleying practice and pl... Read More...
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Turkey Bowling/Integrity

Update-wall of fame and lunchtime pickleball schedule and standings have been updated. INTEGRITY. I hope you all learned something today about integrity. All classes did a great job working in groups talking ... Read More...
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Wall Of Fame Push-Up Curl-Up Challenge

Tomorrow in tutorial will be the push-up and curl-up wall of fame challenge. There is no record yet so YOU COULD BE THE FIRST. Meet out on the blacktop when the bell rings. ALL CLASSES ARE WELCOME. Click on the... Read More...
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Good afternoon. Another good day in the world of pickleball. I had to lay the pickleball smack down in periods 3 and 4 and show how the game is really played. I can't believe I get paid to teach you guys about ... Read More...
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Lunchtime Pickleball-GAME TIME

Just got my teeth cleaned. I don't know about you but I hate the dentist. Enjoy some pickleball game action. I HAVE SAID IT BEFORE. IF YOU ARE NOT PLAYING LUNCHTIME SPORTS YOU ARE MISSING OUT. See you all tomor... Read More...
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What’s The Word This Week

I hope you all have had a nice 3 day weekend. I have enjoyed not seeing all of you I mean I miss you all terribly and look forward to working with you all tomorrow. This is going to be a good week people I can ... Read More...
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Reaction Drills

Beastly job today periods 3 and 5. Periods 2,4,6 you are on tomorrow. Make sure to watch the wall of fame video below and click on the wall of fame button on the left of your screen. I want to give props to Mat... Read More...
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Hill Time/Lunging Cable Push And Pull

STUDENTS, INCREDIBLE JOB TODAY. The lunging cable push and pull looked really good. Remember to use each primal pattern movement every week. If you do that then YOU WILL HAVE BASICALLY USED ALL THE BIG AND SMAL... Read More...