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Diabolo Skills/Lunchtime Team Handball

Make sure to watch the staff vs. student pickleball game tomorrow at lunch. We will have music playing and you already know who is going to win. Check out the student roster below this post. PE team handball continues tomorrow. Today's games were very competit... Read More...
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Staff vs. Student Pickleball Game

Below are the student players for this Friday's staff vs. student pickleball game. Make sure to come out and watch. We will have 3 games going at the same time with music playing to spice things up. GAME TIME! Namrata P Anusha R Ivan K Jake P Courney W Roni K... Read More...
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Lunchtime team handball sign-ups and the staff vs. student pickleball sign-ups are tomorrow. Listen for the announcements in the morning. I expect to have huge numbers for lunchtime team handball. There will be no draft and teams will be 8-10 players. If you w... Read More...
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Diabolos Are About To Invade Sierra Vista

Good morning students, parents, and world. Diabolo mania is here. On Monday ALL CLASSES will not dress out and report directly to their numbers. We will have an amazing demonstration on how the diabolo works then you will all have a chance to practice your ski... Read More...
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2011 Lunchtime Pickleball Champions

update-I just found out that it was my team in the finals today. Props to my boys for making it to the finals without me. Kunal A, Timmothy J, Matthew J, Ethan L, Josh B 2 Charger cards each when I get back. Don't Cry Kids, It'll Be Over Soon Zach B, MR. ZU... Read More...
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Back To Work

Well our 4 day weekend is coming to an end people. So we should all be refreshed for the coming week. On Monday and Tuesday we will finish up pickleball with a little forehand/backhand volleying practice and play our final tournament. Wednesday we will jog and... Read More...
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Turkey Bowling/Integrity

Update-wall of fame and lunchtime pickleball schedule and standings have been updated. INTEGRITY. I hope you all learned something today about integrity. All classes did a great job working in groups talking about integrity and writing one example of a real ... Read More...
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Wall Of Fame Push-Up Curl-Up Challenge

Tomorrow in tutorial will be the push-up and curl-up wall of fame challenge. There is no record yet so YOU COULD BE THE FIRST. Meet out on the blacktop when the bell rings. ALL CLASSES ARE WELCOME. Click on the wall of fame button on the left side of your scre... Read More...
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Good afternoon. Another good day in the world of pickleball. I had to lay the pickleball smack down in periods 3 and 4 and show how the game is really played. I can't believe I get paid to teach you guys about health, nutrition, and exercise. STUDENTS PAY ATTE... Read More...
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The wall of fame was in full effect today. Check out all of the students who are now on the list. All students keep up the good work. You will be on here one day soon. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. Click here to see the entire wall of fame. The students below mad... Read More...