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New Milers Club Members

I am very proud of each period today for doing their best on the mile-run, push-ups, and curl-ups. You need to practice at home in front of a mirror to make sure you have good technique. All of you will improve over the coming months so keep up the good work! ... Read More...
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Flag Football Assessment

I was really impressed today with what you guys came up with on your flag football assessment. It is nice to see most of you communicating, cooperating, leading, working together, and working hard with each other. You must develop those skills as you join the ... Read More...
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Former Sierra Vista Student Curtis Jackson

Guys, click on the links below to read about my former student Curtis Jackson. He has been through a lot in his young life and I know his story will inspire you to work hard and never give up even when adversity touches your life! ... Read More...
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Yoga Time

Well done yoga students. I think you all felt the yoga benefits of improving your balance, flexibility, and building muscular strength and endurance. Have a great weekend. Flag Football continues on Monday! ... Read More...
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ACE Before/After Enrichment Classes

Good morning people. I am in charge of the ACE before/after school enrichment program and this trimester we have some awesome classes to offer such as Minecraft Python Modding, Calligraphy, Ping Pong, Book Club, Beginning Breakdance, Board Game Bonanza, and Ja... Read More...
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San Clemente Surf Contest

Good evening guys. As many of you know I love surfing. For the next few days there is a huge surf contest at Lower Trestles in San Clemente. I encourage everyone reading this to try surfing and click on the link below to watch the surf contest live. Surfing is... Read More...
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Primal Pattern Thursday

Well done today students. You might be sore tomorrow so be aware. Make sure to eat a good dinner tonight to help repair your body after working-out. When you work-out alot you need to EAT ALOT! Tomorrow we are back to flag football. Enjoy your afternoon. ... Read More...
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Primal Pattern Movement Videos

Good afternoon students! Nice seeing you all today. Click on the link below to watch the primal pattern movement videos. We will practice each movement in class next Thursday. DO NOT FREAK OUT if you are not good at doing these movements. We will practice in c... Read More...