The pushing and pulling primal pattern movements were awesome today. Bongo Board push-ups, body bar shoulder press, and cable curls. keep up the good work!... Read More...
Students, awesome job today riding the spin bikes and working your core with the med ball twist! Remember to work each primal pattern movement during the week so you stay strong, functional, and feeling your be... Read More...
Lovely job today people! Remember that pull-ups is the "pulling' primal pattern movement and that in your workout/in routine you need to cover all of the primal pattern movements to stay healthy and functional ... Read More...
Awesome job today students. I was really impressed with your effort level and stepping out of your comfort zone. Pull-ups and dips are not easy. Remember that when you are working-out/working-in you need to cov... Read More...
Good afternoon students! Nice seeing you all today. Click on the link below to watch the primal pattern movement videos. We will practice each movement in class next Thursday. DO NOT FREAK OUT if you are not go... Read More...
Good work today students. Keep practicing your pull-ups using different grips and flex-arm hang. You can practice at your local park on the jungle gym. I also encourage you to go across the monkey bars multiple... Read More...
I hope you all enjoyed "Primal Pattern Wednesday." I encourage you to try some of these exercises at your, local park, or the gym. Thanks for working hard. More Team Handball.