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1st Annual TA Jog/Walk

Thanks to all students and staff who participated today in the 1st annual TA jog/walk. We only get one body so let's continue to take care of it. Each student who particpated received 1 charger card and TA point. The overall winner earned 1 free pair of shoes ... Read More...
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Don't forget that on Monday is lunchtime pickleball signups. There will be no draft and teams will be 4-6 players. Pickleball is just like tennis with slightly different rules. It will be awesome so come out and play. Mr. Zuercher, Mathot, Maurer, and I are al... Read More...
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International Walk To School Day

Thanks to all staff and students who came out this morning to the International Walk To School Day. On the right side of the screen click on "International Walk To School Day" to printout the extra credit form. They are do by next Friday to your PE teacher. ... Read More...
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Another Teacher Victory

The teachers took down the students by a score of 19-15 in today's lunchtime flag football super bowl. Well done to all students who played and thanks to the big crowd that came out to support everyone. Enjoy the video below. Lunchtime soccer playoffs continue... Read More...
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International Walk To School Day/TA Mile Run

On Thursday, October 25 is the International Walk To School Day at Castle Park/Northwood Park. Sierra Vista, Santiago Hills, Northwood, and Brywood will meet together at the park between 7a.m.-730a.m. to show the community of Irvine that we are serious about ... Read More...
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Milers Club Inductees

Congratulations to Jake R. 6:05 and Kerenna S. 6:30 for making the milers club today during tutorial. Every student who went for it today received one charger card just for coming out. I challenge all of you to come out for the wall of fame challenges. Step ou... Read More...
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Orange Flan

Below is a picture of the orange flan I talked about in class. If you want the recipe have your parents email me and I will send it to them. TASTY GOODNESS and loaded with nutrition! ... Read More...