On Thursday, October 25 is the International Walk To School Day at Castle Park/Northwood Park. Sierra Vista, Santiago Hills, Northwood, and Brywood will meet together at the park between 7a.m.-730a.m. to show the community of Irvine that we are serious about life long health and keeping a clean environment. We will walk back to school together in one big mass supervised by teachers and by Irvine police officers. There will be food and prizes given away to those who come and each student can earn 1 T.A. point for participating. On Friday morning in T.A. student reps will come around and take a count of what attended the walk by a show of hands. Students can earn extra credit in PE for this event by clicking on the link below. We want a huge turnout and every year we have hundreds of students participate. Please let me know if you have any questions.
(if the link does not work please copy and paste the link into your browser)
On Monday, October 29 we are going to have a fun mile jog/walk competition during T.A. class. The PE staff is going to create a mile jog/walk course that will stretch from Westwood Basics to Sierra Vista. The goal is to promote lifelong fitness and for our students to come out and have fun and have a chance to earn some awesome prizes.
Every student who participates will earn one “charger card” that allows you to go to the front of the lunch line and will earn 1 T.A. point for their class. The first place finisher will win one free pair of running shoes from the “A Snail’s Pace” shoe store in Laguna Hills. 2nd place girl and boy will earn one “Volcom” backpack, 3rd place boy and girl will earn one pair of “Volcom” socks, and the 4th place boy and girl will earn one “Volcom” beanie. Music will be playing and it will be a great time for all.
Future competitions during T.A. will include pickelball(tennis), basketball, and volleyball. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for all of the support.