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Ultra Processed Foods

Students "YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT"! Good reading and conversation we had today. Making small changes to your food plan will add up to huge health benefits. It is awesome to see so many young people starting to take charge of their health! http://www.naturalnew... Read More...
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After School ELDOA Week 2

Students reviewing with each other what they learned from reading about the "Role of water and the effects of dehydration on the body", and "Ways to Reduce the Negative Effects of Sitting." Learning about different landmarks of the spine and more specificall... Read More...
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Ping Pong Summer School

Good afternoon. I wanted to give you a heads up that I will be teaching ping pong and pickleball(paddle tennis) at Venado Middle school this summer. Last summer we had a great time practicing the skills of ping pong, playing tournaments, and creating fun ping ... Read More...
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2016 Quiksilver Pro Gold Coast in Australia

Most of you guys know that I love to surf. Click on the link below to watch the contest live! I encourage all of you to try surfing maybe over spring break or this summer! You can take surf lessons or better yet sign-up for junior life guards and they will tea... Read More...
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Bro/Girl Talks

A big thank you to the Youth Action Team for coming out today to talk with our students. Remember POWER stands for: P-purpose, present O-opportunity, ownership W-wonder, work E-education, engagement R-respect, responsibility Enjoy the 2 video testimonies bel... Read More...
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ACE After School Classes

Good morning people! Sierra Vista is launching 4 new ACE classes for the 3rd trimester. On Monday we are offering-3D Printing Inventions, Tuesday-Tennis, Thursday-ELDOA with Mr. Caldwell, and Friday-Basketball skills clinic. ACE classes are a great way to lear... Read More...