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Tennis Time

Thank you student's for playing today. We will do this again and again we will take home the VICTORY! You guys are awesome. ... Read More...
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Who Needs A Gym-Hit The Park

Students! Check out this video it's amazing. Remember you do not have to go to LA Fitness or 24 Hour Fitness to workout. You can go to your local park and work on all the Primal Pattern Movements for free and i... Read More...
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Happy Easter! Back To Work

What's good people? I had an awesome spring break. Plenty of rest, good food, fun exercise, sleep, reading, and hanging out with my friends. BACK TO WORK. Tomorrow we have the fire department coming to speak to... Read More...
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Tennis Please-Maurer vs. Caldwell

Happy spring break to you all. This morning Maurer and I battled it out over at Castle Park. We played what's called "the baseline game" which has no serving just ground strokes. We played to 21 and Maurer took... Read More...
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SPRING BREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAKKKKKK! Time to hide from all students, I mean I am going to relax and re-charge over the next week. I advise you all to take a break from your school work for a wee... Read More...