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Quiz Tomorrow

Good afternoon PE people. DO NOT FREAK OUT ABOUT THE QUIZ. You will take the quiz in groups of 8 so you can talk through the answers. I will ask you things such as "why" do I teach you about sports, "why" do we... Read More...
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Pick one up during tutorial next week or you can use the diabolos the PE program has to have fun with your friends during tutorial. ... Read More...
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GoPro Flag Football

Another good day. Hopefully over time, all of you will be able to use the GoPro's. It's fun to see what the quarterback is looking at before he/she throws. Technology is a good way to see yourself in action and... Read More...
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Flag Football Plays

Well done today people. You can use your plays on Monday as we are playing a tournament all period. Time for me to go for a surf. Enjoy your weekend. ... Read More...
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Pass Patterns/Technology

Yo, what's the word people. Good job today practicing your pass patterns. I hope some of you enjoyed using the flip video today to see yourselves in action and correct any bad technique you may have. We will al... Read More...
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Game Room!

Day one of the lunchtime game room. We had over 50 people come by today. I just ordered a new foosball and pool table that should be in soon. Come by and play board games, ping pong, card games, Nintendo Wii, b... Read More...
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Welcome Back Students

Welcome back to all students. I know today was a bit of a snoozer, but action is just around the corner. Remember to click on the "primal pattern movements" and "6 foundational exercise" buttons on the left sid... Read More...