Good afternoon students! Today’s soccer games were a bit lethargic to say the least. I know it was really wet. We will play Mrs. Morris class in flag football on Thursday and I expect much better participation. Tomorrow it’s time to run the mile and add in some push-ups and curl-ups. Next week we start one month of strength training, jogging, yoga, tai-chi, ELDOA, project adventure and other fun activities to help get you ready for the fitnessgram testing in March. It will be a fun month and you will learn a ton about health and exercise.
Below is picture of myself doing ELDOA and you can click here to learn more about what ELDOA is all about.
Lastly I just finished my personal workout in J-2 during my prep period. I love to be able to get my body moving, blood flowing, and heart rate up for about 30 minutes. I had a nice warm-up then did 3 sets of under hand pull-ups followed by reptilian crawling. Then I did 2 sets of body blade work with body weight lunges. Later tonight I will finish off the day by doing my specific ELDOA exercises to put my body back in place after a long day on the move.