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Walk To School Day

It's time to ride, pedal, and walk. The National “Walk to School Day” is next Wednesday, October 23. The City of Irvine would like to invite our students and families to a “Walk to School Kick Off Event” at Northwood Community Park. Join the Irvine community i... Read More...
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Well Done People

People. I was very impressed by your answers on the quiz. You all need to have a general understanding of why you have PE each day. You have alot more learning to do so get ready. Next Wednesday we are going to run the official mile and record you scores. We w... Read More...
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Quiz Tomorrow

Good afternoon PE people. DO NOT FREAK OUT ABOUT THE QUIZ. You will take the quiz in groups of 8 so you can talk through the answers. I will ask you things such as "why" do I teach you about sports, "why" do we have cardio wednesdays, "why" do we have strength... Read More...
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Pick one up during tutorial next week or you can use the diabolos the PE program has to have fun with your friends during tutorial. ... Read More...
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GoPro Flag Football

Another good day. Hopefully over time, all of you will be able to use the GoPro's. It's fun to see what the quarterback is looking at before he/she throws. Technology is a good way to see yourself in action and correct any bad technique you may have or see the... Read More...
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Surf Time

What's up guys. As you can see in the picture below I just got back from surfing. The waves were small but fun and the water was warm and glassy with the sun shining brightly. There is nothing better then riding a wave believe me. As you can see I have 2 surfb... Read More...