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Welcome To Students!

What's up peoples? If you are reading this right now your are probably in my PE class for this year. Registration is tomorrow and I look forward to meeting you all next week. You are going to learn a lot this year about health, nutrition, and exercise and have... Read More...
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Fiji Pro at Cloudbreak

Good afternoon students. As you may I know I love to surf. Right this minute I am watching a surf contest in Fiji live. Surfing makes me feel alive and I love the workout it gives me every time I paddle out. I encourage you all to hit the water this summer and... Read More...
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Olympics – Caldwell vs. Morris

Good morning students. Below is the schedule for the next 2 weeks. We will take on Mrs. Morris class each day and I expect VICTORY! I mean, let's make sure we have fun and are good sports at all times. Do what we do people! SVMS Olympics Monday 6/1: Volleybal... Read More...
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Staff vs. Student Softball Game

I want to thank Coach Hendrickson for leading our staff softball team to victory over the students by a score of 9-4. I also want to thank Athena, Aiden, and Simon for leading off the game with their impressive softball skills. Please enjoy the videos below. ... Read More...
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2015 Irvine Junior Games Highlights

Yesterday was awesome! Congrats to all students who participated in the 2015 Irvine Junior Games. Thank you to Mrs. Morris, Mr. Doan, and Mr. Berman for coming by to support our students. The medal winners are below. Do not miss out next year! Jennifer F- Bro... Read More...