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Workout Of The Day(WOD)

Reptilian crawling, medicine ball twist toss, heavy ropes-kettlebell-pulls. Awesome job today students! Remember to always use good technique when you are doing any kind of exercise. You will reduce the chance of injury and increase gains! Tomorrow you will do... Read More...
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I hope you guys enjoyed a quick day of Badminton? Next year we will do a full month. Badminton is a game you can buy pretty cheap at your local sporting goods store and play in your background or at the local park. ... Read More...
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After School ELDOA Week 4

As Guy Voyer says, we need to "learn by doing." In the photos below you can see my students teaching each other the L5-S1 ELDOA. It's a work in progress but over time the cues and technique will become second nature! To learn more about ELDOA click here. ... Read More...
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Crossfit WOD

Lovely job today people. You were able to raise your heart rate, build muscular strength and endurance and mostly importantly you had FUN! ... Read More...
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Toxic Chemicals In Cosmetics

Hello students! I hope you all learned something today about the toxic chemicals that are in some cosmetic products. Below are a couple links to read to learn more. One company I like is called Tropical Traditions and they have many clean products. I personall... Read More...
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CaldwellPE Website Changes

Good morning people. I am making some changes to my website by adding new buttons and changing the location of others. As you can see I have added an "ELDOA" and "Digging Deeper" button. More to come on that soon!... Read More...
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Drug Aware Margaret River Pro

If you have time this weekend you can click on the link below and watch the "Drug Aware Margaret River Pro" surf contest live in Australia. The contest comes on about 2pm our time. I encourage you to try surfing this summer and take surf lessons! http://www.w... Read More...
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Crossfit WOD

Well done today people! Thank you to Mr. Maurer for putting this lesson together. Your squats, hand release push-ups, and jump rope skills looked good and most of you made it the entire 15 minutes. Remember when you workout you need to cover all of the primal ... Read More...