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Flag Football Assessment

I was really impressed today with what you guys came up with on your flag football assessment. It is nice to see most of you communicating, cooperating, leading, working together, and working hard with each oth... Read More...
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ACE Before/After Enrichment Classes

Good morning people. I am in charge of the ACE before/after school enrichment program and this trimester we have some awesome classes to offer such as Minecraft Python Modding, Calligraphy, Ping Pong, Book Club... Read More...
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San Clemente Surf Contest

Good evening guys. As many of you know I love surfing. For the next few days there is a huge surf contest at Lower Trestles in San Clemente. I encourage everyone reading this to try surfing and click on the lin... Read More...
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Welcome To Students!

What's up peoples? If you are reading this right now your are probably in my PE class for this year. Registration is tomorrow and I look forward to meeting you all next week. You are going to learn a lot this y... Read More...
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Fiji Pro at Cloudbreak

Good afternoon students. As you may I know I love to surf. Right this minute I am watching a surf contest in Fiji live. Surfing makes me feel alive and I love the workout it gives me every time I paddle out. I ... Read More...
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Staff vs. Student Softball Game

I want to thank Coach Hendrickson for leading our staff softball team to victory over the students by a score of 9-4. I also want to thank Athena, Aiden, and Simon for leading off the game with their impressiv... Read More...
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Outdoor Bar Workout

Good morning guys. Below is an amazing video from Rob Turner that I want you all to see. You do not have to be a member of a gym or pay money to exercise. You can go to your local park and work-out/work-in for ... Read More...