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Wall Of Fame Update

I would like to welcome the following students to the Wall Of Fame. Next Wednesday during tutorial will be the pull-ups and flex arm hang so make sure you come out. Enjoy our evening. Milers Club Julia R-6:23 Michael B-6:19 Pull-Ups Jake D.R.-9 Plank Esteb... Read More...
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Bootie Scooties were fun today. I saw all students having fun and getting in a nice primal pattern movement workout as well. It is very important in your young lives to learn how to problem solve, communicate, work as a team, have a good attitude, and cooperat... Read More...
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New “Exercise Of The Week”

Another beautiful Saturday. I just got back from Trader Joe's and Mother's Market where I stocked up on nutrient dense foods such as raw goat's milk, orange juice, pastured eggs, raw cheese, ricotta cheese, watermelon, raspberries, blueberries, raw unheated ho... Read More...
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BMX/Long Jump Rope Routines

Today was sick. Click on the picture to see how high this guy really was. I will post a couple videos of the whole BMX show tomorrow. As the boys were saying, they are HIGH on LIFE and extreme sports, and any other fun activity you can think of. Join me and al... Read More...
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Night At The Museum

All stduents, I encourage you to come to "Night At The Museum" next Thursday from 5pm-7pm at Sierra Vista. It will be awesome. Watch the video below and click on the link to learn more. Caldwell Night At The Museum... Read More...