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Sprints and Organic

A lovely job sprinting today and learning about the word "organic." The goal is to try and mix more organic foods into your food plan. I know it's hard at your age since you do not buy the food but make small changes now that will add up to big health benefits... Read More...
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Nice job today students. You really need to practice your lunge and squat technique at home in front of a mirror. Technique is everything to help prevent injury. Tomorrow you are back to practicing your long jump rope routines. See you then! ... Read More...
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Long Jump Rope Routines

Lovely job today. Below are some examples of last year's long jump rope routines. TIME TO PRACTICE. Make sure to come out to tutorial with your group. Tomorrow we will switch to short jump ropes so get ready. Today Last Year ... Read More...
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Break Time

Just got back from surfing in Surfside. Waves were 1-3 feet and fun. Enjoy your Thanksgiving break and make sure to enjoy family and friends during your time off. See you in a week. ... Read More...
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Pickleball Spin

Good effort today people. Learning how to hit backspin and topspin are not easy to do. Tomorrow we will jog a bit so get some rest. See you soon. ... Read More...