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Fitnessgram Testing Mile-Run Chart

Take a look at the mile-run chart people. I am not a big fan of this chart but just do your best and you will be fine. Tomorrow it's mile time so get some rest. 2014 Mile Run HFZ Tables... Read More...
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Technology/Strength Training Studio

Nicely done today people. I know watching the exercise on the ipad helped you understand how to use proper technique and be more successful at each station. Building muscular strength and endurance is very important to one's health as we discussed in class. To... Read More...
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Milers Club

Two new members to the Sierra Vista Milers Club. CRAMPTON and LINCOLN! Well done boys. All of you reading this can join the club. Keep working hard! ... Read More...
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Team Building/Communication/Cooperation

All classes killed it today. It's good to see you guys learn how to communicate and work together to solve a task. You will need those skills to be successful in life. Tomorrow we will be in J-2 working on our muscular strength and endurance. ... Read More...
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Vibram fivefingers

Students, some of you saw me wearing my new pair of Vibram fivefingers during PE today. They look weird but if you are curious go to to learn more. "Feet are excellent at collecting information. Thousands of neurological receptors ... Read More...
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Yoga Time

All classes, well done today in your first simple yoga class. Part 2 will be sometime next week. I encourage you to take a class or checkout some yoga videos online and practice some of the more simple moves. Remember the health benefits we talked about. Be ca... Read More...
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LT Team Handball Champs “Jack Rabbits”

Congratulations to the 2014 lunchtime team handball champs the "Jack Rabbits." Do not forget that today at lunch is 5 on 5 basketball sign-ups. There will be a draft and everyone will be chosen. If you miss the draft see me or Mrs. Morris asap. ... Read More...
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Sign-Up For The Irvine Junior Games

I encourage you all to sign-up. You have until February 7th to make it happen. Talk to your parents and let me know if you have any questions. The 27th annual Irvine Junior Games is a family fundraising Track and Field Meet involving more than 1400 4th-8th... Read More...