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Project Adventure

Good job with the memory game today. Students you must learn how to communicate, cooperate, work as a team, and strategize to solve a task in life! Project adventure will help you with that. More fun activities to come! You will be doing whats in the videos... Read More...
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Bike Ride and Surfing in San Clemente

Yo peoples! I had a nice leisurely bike ride today in San Clemente enjoying the sun and watching the waves. I encourage you all to put down your phones and video games and get outside and enjoy the beautiful things of this world! Keep your body moving and your... Read More...
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Pickleball in the OC

Take a look at the links below. Pickleball ball is not just for older people. You can play pickleball as an intramural sport at your college or in a league in your city! Read More...
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Diabolofest on Tuesday!

The Diabolofest people come on Tuesday for all PE classes. Below is an example of what to expect! It will be a fun day. Click here to learn more! ... Read More...