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ELDOA Thursday

Great job today ladies practicing your ELDOA poses. Your spine is going to thank you! Click here to learn more about ELDOA! Thoracic 6-7 Pose Thoracic 8-9 Pose... Read More...
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Sports Specialization

Students, I hope you guys were listening today in class? Talk with your parents and see if you can try something new! I also encourage you to get out in your neighborhood and play pick up basketball games, ride your bike, play wiffle ball, and just have fun! ... Read More...
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Spikeball-4 Square

Spikeball and 4 Square was fun last week! If it ever stops raining we are going to challenge Mrs. Morris and Mrs. Cachola class in basketball, flag football, 4 square, and capture the flag. Next week each class will start their new units! ... Read More...
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Bocce Ball

Well done today playing bocce ball! It looked like all of you were having a good time. Remember that bocce ball is a working-in activity that is fun, calming, social, get some sun, and there is strategy involved! ... Read More...