Each Wednesday, after we finish our “Cardio Wednesday” activities, you will learn about many topics from the world of health and nutrition. In my opinion proper nutrition is more important then exercise. You are what you eat. You will learn about proper nutrition, the power of sleep, 6 types of stress, digestive health, mental/emotional health, and much more. Character Education will also be a part of our health and nutrition curriculum.
To see past nutrition and health topics please click here and here.
Proper Hydration
Healing Power Of Sleep
Macronutrients-Protein, Fat, Carbohydrates, what they are and what foods have each of them.
Digging Deeper Into Carbohydrates
Red Ribbon Week-drugs and what they do to your body, natural high
Working-In vs. Working-Out
Digestive Care “The Poopie Line-Up”
How To Read A Food label
“Digging Deeper” Articles
McDonald’s Fries
Health Hazards Of Sitting
Heavy Backpacks
Texting Your Way To Back Pain
Lack Of Sleep Tied To Teen Sport Injuries
Proper Hydration
The Power Of Sleep
What Does Organic Mean
Macronutrients-Protein, Fat, Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates(what do they do, how much, what foods are they in, blood sugar, energy)
Balancing Blood Sugar
Vitamin D From The Sun
Using Food As Your Supplement