Fitness Gram Standards
Two days a week we work on our “functional exercise” skills. Once we strengthen each of the 7 primal pattern movements, that will translate over to our fitness gram tests below. Every March we test our students on the mile run/walk, curl-up, push-up, trunk lift, shoulder stretch, and BMI.
Each Wednesday for the entire year we have a school wide 10 minute jog/walk. The cross country run prepares our students for the mile run in April. Students are highly encouraged to build up enough stamina to run the entire 10 minutes without stopping. Students may “speed walk” if necessary and will never be graded down if full effort is given. If your son/daughter has any health issue we should be aware of please contact the office and please let us know as well so we can accomodate any special needs they may have.
In my PE class I am not worried about if they reach their “healthy fitness zone”. What matters to me is if they give their full effort each day. Working hard in class and on their own will improve these scores and their muscular strength, muscular endurance, aerobic capacity, flexibility, and body composition. As time goes on they will see huge health benefits that I hope will intrinsically motivate them to be active the rest of their lives.
Performance is classified in two general areas:”Healthy Fitness Zone”(HFZ) and the “Needs Improvement” zone. Attaining the “HFZ” for a test indicates that the child has a sufficient fitness level to provide important health benefits. The “Needs Improvement” zone should be interpreted as an indication that the child may be at risk if that level of fitness stays the same over time.
All students should strive to achieve a score that places them inside the HFZ. However, students who desire to achieve a high level of athletic performance may need to consider setting goals beyond the HFZ.
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