Good afternoon students. I know some of you are worried about the corona virus. One tool you can use to strengthen your diaphragm and lungs is to do APNEA breathing. We have already done this in class but below is a couple new breathing protocols you can practice. When you are feeling stressed you can try the CADENCE protocols to calm your mind and heart rate.
Start with 10 rounds of one of the protocols and see how you feel. If its to easy for you, increase the number and if you it’s to hard for you decrease the number.
Experiment and see what happens!
APNEA Breathing Protocol
1-start with a 4-8-4 protocol. Breathe in for for 4, hold for 8, breath out for 4 for 10 rounds.
*if to easy try the 5-10-5 protocol
*if to hard try the 3-6-4 protocol
2-start with a 3-9-6 protocol for 10 rounds.
*if to easy try the 4-12-8 protocol
*if to hard try the 2-6-4 protocol
Cadence Breathing Protocol
1-start with a 6-6, breathe in for 6 seconds, then breathe out for 6 seconds for 10 rounds.
*if to easy try the 7-7
*if to hard try 5-5
2-start with a 5-5-5, breathe in for 5, hold for 5, breathe out for 5 for 10 rounds.
*if to easy try the 6-6-6
*if to hard try the 4-4-4