I think today some of you had your eyes opened to what organic foods stand for. It is very important to fuel your body with clean, whole foods loaded with nutrition. Try and make small changes to what you eat. Maybe start to eat organic fruits and vegetables first. Then over time switch over to grass fed, free range, organic meats. Small changes over time add up to huge health benefits. Yes organic foods can be more expensive but it’s much cheaper to buy good foods now then pay huge doctors bills later. Parents let me know if you have any questions. Please read the info below.
What is Organic-a food may be classified organic if it is grown without the use of any toxic pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, or chemical fertilizers. Organic meats and eggs may only come from animals raised on organic foods.
Organic foods have many healing effects due to superior secondary nutrients content(calcium, magnesium, sulfur) as well as increased vitamin, mineral, trace mineral, protein, and enzyme content.
Certified Organic- fields must be farmed for a minimum of 3 years under guidelines handed down by the organic committee of the farmers state. This 3 year period assures that micro-organisms have time to digest and eliminate chemical residues left in the soil from previous exposure.
The Wheel Of Life
It all starts with the “Soil”, humus and microorganisms, animal, vegetable waste, compost or leaves fall on ground, microorganisms break it down and feed them. Then soil feed the root of the 2-“Plant” then 3-“Animals” eat the plant that came from soil then 4-“Man” eats the animal who ate the plant which came from the soil.
The Wheel Of Death
1- damaged soils, poisoned by industrial waste and agro-farming chemicals
2- damaged, nutrient deficient plants heavily contaminated with pesticides
3- sick, drugged animals eating sick poisoned plants under inhumane conditions
4- equals and increase visit to MD’s, increase disease, increase drugs, loss of vitality
*farmers use 1 billion pounds of chemicals on crops per year
*eat certified organic whole foods as much as possible
*eat free range, grass fed meats
*shop at Whole Foods Market, Trader Joe’s, Mother’s Market, Henrys, Sprouts, or local farms to buy your food.