Good evening students and peoples. Just got back from a nice evening jog with some abdominal work and light stretching. Time to eat some tasty grass fed buffalo with organic mushrooms, broccoli, spinach and a touch of basil. You guys will learn one day soon how to fuel your body properly. Girls good job today playing Flag Football. It’s so much better when the boys are not hogging the ball at all times. Keep up the good work. Time to chill out for the night. Check back in this weekend.
p.s.-the first 10 people to leave their name below in the comment section will get one charger just for taking the time to check out my site. See me during PE to pick it up. Charger cards get you to the front of the lunch line. Hurry up!
update 10/2/10 6:09pm. That makes 10. You 10 people make sure to remind me during PE on Monday to give you a charger card. Always check my site. You never know what I might post.